Conference theme: Enabling a Better World through Ceramic and Glass Materials
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Endorsed by
ICC’10 Steering Committee
President Edgar Lara Curzio, Oak Ridge National Laboratory | |
Program co-chair Miladin Radovic, Texas A&M University | Program co-chair Lisa Rueschhoff, Air Force Research Laboratory |
Technical Committee Members | Technical Committee Members |
Mario Affatigato, Coe College | Elizabeth Dickey, Carnegie Mellon University |
Aldo Boccaccini, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Institute of Biomaterials | Paolo Columbo, ICF President |
Dana Goski, Allied Mineral Products, LLC | Raj Bordia, Clemson University (ACerS 2023-24 President) |
Henry Colorado, Universidad de Antioquia | Katherine Faber, California Institute of Technology |
Sylvia Johnson, ICF Incoming President | Young-Wook Kim, University of Seoul |
Mark Mecklenborg, The American Ceramic Society | Andrea Ross, ACerS Director of Meetings, Membership, and Marketing |
Yiquan Wu, Alfred University | Local Committee Chair Behnam Ashrafi National Research Council Canada |
General Program and Topics
Aerospace Ceramics and Composites | Electronic Ceramics and Devices |
Educational Trends | Green Ceramics for Clean Energy and Sustainability |
Global Industry Trends | Informatics and Data Analytics |
Novel Processing Techniques | Nanostructured Ceramics |
Next Generation Bioceramics and Bioglasses | Optical and Magnetic Ceramic Materials and Devices |
Recent Advances and Future of Additive Manufacturing | Strategic Materials and Technology Transfer |
Transportation and Infrastructure |
Did you know you can publish research with ACerS?
Here are a couple of great options for publishing!
International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science (IJCES) is the ACerS-approved open access journal for ceramic science and ceramic engineering research. This ceramics journal is broad in scope and publishes peer reviewed sound papers across all aspects of ceramic and glass materials, including regular research articles, preliminary work, opinion/perspective papers (invited), and reviews.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society (JACerS) is a leading ceramic science and engineering journal. Publishing research across the field of ceramic and glass materials, this journal has consistently been a valued source for impactful ceramic materials science research for more than 100 years.
International Journal of Applied Glass Science (IJAGS) is a forum for knowledge around how glass is used in the world today. This glass science and glass engineering journal helps researchers meet the challenges of using glass and related materials in scientific, consumer, commercial, and industrial applications.
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology (ACT) publishes applied research on how ceramics and composites are developed for use in the commercial world. This ceramic engineering journal focuses on the commercialization of engineered ceramics, products and processes.
The American Ceramic Society values diverse and inclusive participation within the field of ceramic science and engineering. ACerS strives to promote involvement and access to leadership opportunity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, career path or academic level.