Our Mission
The Bioceramics Division of The American Ceramic Society is dedicated to stimulating the growth and activity of the Society, particularly in the areas of the science, engineering, and manufacturing of bioceramics, biocomposites, and biomaterials.
YouTube video contest winners announced
The American Ceramic Society’s (ACerS) Bioceramics Division is pleased to announce the winners of the recent YouTube video contest. The winning submissions showcase recent innovation and technological advancement in the field of bioceramics.
Congratulations to the winners:
First Place: "Biomechanically Tunable Scaffolds as Testbeds of Cancer Bone Metastasis for Bone Regeneration", Hanmant Gaikwad, Sharad Jaswandkar, and Preetham Ravi, North Dakota State University
Second Place: "Let's Talk About: BioCeramics | BGCs | Applications & New Ideas", Efraín Esaú De La Rosa García, Technological Institute of Saltillo
Women in Bioceramics Webinar
Bioceramics Division of the American Ceramic Society hosted a "Women in Bioceramics Webinar" on March 11, 2024.
The panelists discussed important topics and challenges for women scientists such as:
- Career choices
- Trials and tribulations that led to their position of large contributions to science.
Dr. Annabel Braem served as a moderator for this esteemed panel. Visit this link to view the webinar.
Bioceramics Industry Conclave Webinar
Bioceramics Division of the American Ceramics Society hosted ‘Biomaterials Industry Conclave’, an online event organized by the division to foster interaction between industry leaders and researchers on July 13, 2023.
The event hosted some of the global industry leaders working in the area of biomaterials, who discussed the technological relevance of biomaterials and highlighted opportunities for researchers seeking a career in their industry. Dr. Hrishikesh Kamat chaired the conclave.
If you missed the webinar, view it here!

Dr. Rajendra Kasinath
Principal Scientist
Johnson & Johnson MedTech;
Dr. Sreeram Balasubramanian
Director – Ceramics R&D
James R. Glidewell Dental Ceramics

Mr. Sabyasachi Roy
Chief Executive Officers & Managing Director
Ceramat Private Limited, India

Dr. Hrishikesh Kamat
Scientist – Glass-Ceramics R&D
James R. Glidewell Dental Ceramics

Indo-German Workshop: BIODENT
Design and manufacturing of biomaterials and implants for dental, cranio-maxillofacial reconstruction and bone regeneration
During February 13-15, 2023, Bioceramics Division chair Prof. Bikramjit Basu and ACerS Fellow, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, together organized the Indo-German Workshop: Biodent, "Design and manufacturing of biomaterials and implants for dental, cranio-maxillofacial reconstruction and bone regeneration". The program featured an impressive list of invited and contributed speakers and young researchers from India, Germany and Belgium. For more details, including the winners of the "Best Oral Presentations",, visit this link.
Women in Biomaterials Webinar
Bioceramics Division of the American Ceramic Society hosted a new initiative, "Women in Biomaterials Webinar" on February 21, 2023.
The panelists discussed important topics and challenges for women scientitists such as:
- Career choices
- Trials and tribulations that led to their position of large contributions to science.
Dr. Kalpana Katti served as a moderator for this esteemed panel. Visit this link to view the webinar.
Bioceramics Division Chair promotes Bioceramics Division and ACerS
Bioceramics Chair, Bikramijit Basu recently promoted ACerS and the Bioceramics Division at the International Conference on Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine and Devices on December 15, 2022. The division was a sponsor of the event. Dr. Basu's remarks can be viewed at this link.
Please visit this link for a copy of the Dr. Basu's presentation. Thank you Dr. Basu for your dedication in promoting the Bioceramics Division and ACerS!
YouTube video contest winners announced
The American Ceramic Society’s (ACerS) Bioceramics Division is pleased to announce the winners of the recent YouTube video contest. The winning submissions showcase recent innovation and technological advancement in the field of bioceramics.
Congratulations to the winners:
First Place: "Advanced antimicrobial bioceramics", Siera Kucko, Alfred University
Second Place: "Resorbable and deployable medical devices", Saswat Choudhury, Indian Institute of Science
Bioceramics 32 held in Venice, Italy; September 20-23, 2022
“To strengthen intersociety ties, the American Ceramic Society recently endorsed the symposium and annual meeting organized by the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (Bioceramics 32) held in Venice on September 20-23, 2022. During this event, ACerS has sponsored a well-attended symposium on ‘Antibacterial bioceramics for smart prosthetic applications’ with speakers from Italy, Germany, France, India, and others. The ACerS Bioceramics division (represented by prof. Bikramjit Basu, Prof. Annabel Braem and Ms. Sadaf Batool) attended the conference. A key note lecture was given by Prof. Bikramjit Basu on the topic of "Biomaterials and bioengineering-based strategies to combat implant infections: New perspectives to old challenges."
A rotating list of articles published in The American Ceramic Society journals of interest to division members.
View our 2023-2024 Bioceramics Division Officers.
Recognizing excellence in bioceramic/glass research and engineering.
View the Division’s annual reports and rules governing the division.
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the field of ceramic science and engineering.
ACerS strives to promote involvement and access to leadership opportunity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, career path or academic level.
About The Bioceramics Division
Learn how Bioceramics Division can help your research and career. Download and share the Bioceramics flyer summarizing the Division’s benefits, mission and focused meetings.
DVD Courses on Bioceramics and Bioactive Glasses
Larry Hench—the late inventor of Bioglass, professor, and entrepreneur—recorded two courses near the end of his long, exemplary career.
Bioceramics: Advances and Challenges for Affordable Healthcare Short Course on DVD
Taught by the late Dr. Larry Hench, the course features five lectures that discuss the ethical and technical challenges facing affordable healthcare in the 21st century with an emphasis on the evolution and clinical applications of bioactive ceramic materials. Review the four-course series.
Surface Chemistry & Characterization of Bioactive Glasses
Gain an in-depth view of the mechanisms behind this revolutionary science in this second DVD series by the late Dr. Larry Hench—leading bioglass researcher, industry expert, and thought leader. This nine-lecture short course provides detailed insight into the discovery of bioactive materials, with reviews of animal models and clinical applications. Additionally, obtain an overview of the mechanisms and technology behind bioglass bonding, toxicology and biocompatibility, with a particular emphasis on characterization strategies and how to determine the best method of quality assurance.