ACerS Electronics
Our Mission
The Electronics Division of The American Ceramic Society focuses on electronic materials and devices. Traditional areas of interest include dielectric and ferroelectric materials, high-κ and tunable dielectrics for communications applications; ferroelectric and piezoelectric ceramics; ceramics for sensors, fuel cells, batteries, superconductors, and other renewable energy technologies; and recently, thermoelectric ceramics. In addition to the traditional areas, the division also explores emerging areas such as nanoscience, electronic composites, and new ceramic devices.
Field effects on bulk bismuth ferrite
Suggested articles of interest to the Electronics Division published in The American Ceramic Society journals
View our 2023-2024 Electronics Division Officers
View the Division’s annual reports and rules governing the division.
Follow the Electronics Division on Instagram and share your photos using the #sciencelife hashtag!
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the field of ceramic science and engineering.
ACerS strives to promote involvement and access to leadership opportunity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, career path or academic level.
EDiv Awards
The Electronics Division recognizes achievements among its membership through various division awards: Edward C. Henry Award, Lewis C. Hoffman Scholarship and Best Student Presentations.
About EDiv
Learn how the Electronics Division can help your research and career. Download and share the Electronics Division flyer summarizing the Division’s benefits, mission and focused meetings.
The Materialism Podcast
In 2020, the division provided a sponsorship to help produce the University of Utah's materials science podcasts co-created by Professor Taylor Sparks, student moderator, Andrew Falkowski, and student audio technician Jared Duffy. The Materialism Podcast is a podcast dedicated to exploring the past, present, and future of materials science. Click on the icon below to listen to one of the many interesting episodes.
A Brief History of the Electronics Division
The Electronics Division published a commemorative brochure in 2008 to mark its 50th anniversary.
The Electronics Division grew out of the defunct ACerS Whitewares Division and was established by the Board of Trustees in 1957. The Division held its first sessions at the 60th Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1958. This was followed by a first Fall Meeting at Asbury Park, N.J, which was attended by 198 registered participants. Since 2010 the Division has coorganized the Conference on Electronics Materials and Applications with Basic Science Division in Orlando, Fla., welcoming about 400 international researchers. A growing number of EDiv members are Fellows of the Society.
Learn more about one of the most important electroceramics, History of the First Ferroelectric Oxide BaTiO3.