ACerS Energy Materials and Systems
Our Mission
The Energy Materials and Systems Division of The American Ceramic Society focuses on stimulating the growth and activities of the Society in the arts and sciences pertaining to ceramic and glass materials for energy-related applications. We represent the Society in matters pertaining to the science and engineering of ceramic and glass materials and related technology, as they apply to the harvesting, conversion, storage, transport and utilization of energy.
EMSD Logo Contest Winner Announced
The Energy Materials and Systems Division recently held a division logo creation contest. Out of the seven thoughtful and creative entries, the winning logo was created by Anushka Pandey (National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, India).
Ms. Pandey received a $500 USD Amazon gift card and 2 years complimentary ACerS membership with EMSD affiliation. Congratulations!
MS&T 2022 Highlights
The 2022 D.T. Rankin Awardee, Armin Feldhoff and the Outstanding Student Researcher Awardee, Jesse Hinricher were presented their awards at ACerS Annual Meeting and MS&T in Pittsburgh, Pa. in October. Congratulations to Dr. Feldhoff and Jesse Hinricher!
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the field of ceramic science and engineering.
ACerS strives to promote involvement and access to leadership opportunity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, career path or academic level.
About Energy Materials and Systems
Learn how the Energy Materials and Systems Division can help your research and career. Download and share the Energy Materials and Systems Division flyer summarizing the Division’s benefits, mission and focused meetings.
The Materialism Podcast
In 2020, the division provided a sponsorship to help produce the University of Utah's materials science podcasts co-created by Professor Taylor Sparks, student moderator, Andrew Falkowski, and student audio technician Jared Duffy. The Materialism Podcast is a podcast dedicated to exploring the past, present, and future of materials science. Click on the icon below to listen to one of the many interesting episodes.
Virtual Meet & Mingle
The Energy Materials and Systems Division hosted a virtual Meet & Mingle on November 25, 2020. This on-line event was well-received and provided an opportunity for members to network with peers and to attend two presentations by experts in the field, Prof. Claus Daniel and Dr. Daniele Benetti.
Watch Professor Claus Daniel's presentation below.
Student Stipends
The Energy and Materials Systems Division of The American Ceramic Society awards two stipends in the amount of $500 each to help fund students in attending ACerS Annual Meeting combined with MS&T. These stipends are targeted at deserving students with current or future interests in energy-related fields of ceramic and materials engineering. Student participation in EMSD sponsored symposia through an oral or poster presentation is encouraged but not required. The nomination form should be completed by any student and recognized by a faculty member familiar with the student’s academic performance.