Welcome to the Keramos National Professional Ceramic Engineering Fraternity web page. The main function of Keramos is to promote and emphasize scholarship and character in the thoughts of students in ceramics, to stimulate mental development, and to promote interest in the professional aspects of ceramic engineering, technology, and science.
Active Keramos Chapters
View the most recent annual report from each chapter shown below.
Interested in (Re)Starting a Keramos Chapter at Your University?
Starting a new Keramos chapter or re-starting a chapter that’s fallen dormant is a simple 4-step process, and we’ll even connect you with a current chapter to help out.
Review the Keramos New Chapter form for more information, and please contact any of the officers listed below on this page with any questions.
Keramos Publications
Recent Keragrams
The origins of Keramos date to the formation of Beta Pi Kappa at The Ohio State University in 1902 to promote the interaction between and camaraderie among ceramic engineering professionals and students. Beta Pi Kappa subsequently merged in 1932 with a chapter of similar interests and intentions at the University of Illinois (formed as Keramos in 1914). The fraternity experienced growth throughout the next four decades to chapters at universities possessing ceramic engineering programs. There are currently 12 student chapters across the country actively promoting the ideals of Keramos and ceramic engineering. An excellent review of the founding and history is available in KERAMOS - A Biographical History by W.W. Kriegel, a copy of which can be found in the Keramos Blue Book volumes below:
Keramos Blue Book | |
Volume 1 | Volume 2 |
Volume 3 | Volume 4 |
Volume 5 | Volume 6 |
Volume 7 | Volume 8 |
Keramos meets concurrently with the annual meeting of The American Ceramic Society. The executive board, comprised of the national officers typically meets on the Saturday evening prior to the annual meeting. The executive board reconvenes at the annual Keramos Student Convocation on the Sunday morning of the annual meeting, at which all fraternity business is reviewed, chapter reports are given, student representation is elected, and recognition of chapters and individuals receiving awards is made. A career presentation by a speaker invited from industry or academia concludes the Convocation.
Membership in Keramos is via invitation and induction at one of the chapters comprising the fraternity. Students, resident teaching staff, alumni, and honorary members are eligible. Member selection is predicated on the basis of good scholarship, interest in the discipline of ceramics, and strong personal character. Chapter officers are elected annually and represent their chapters at the annual Convocation.
Attention All Keramos Members!
Please remember that the annual dues of $10 are required every year for both student and professional members. Fraternity dues are used to provide travel support to delegates from each Chapter to attend the Annual Keramos Convocation and also the ACerS Annual Meeting (MS&T Conference).
The Keramos treasury is running low, and we would very much appreciate your continued support of Keramos in its efforts to support professional development among ceramic engineering students. A convenient link to PayPal is provided below, or you may send a check to our General Secretary, Dr. Jeff Smith, at the address below. Thank you!
Renew Your Keramos Dues Today!
All donations support student travel for chapter delegates to attend the annual Keramos convocation.
Keramos Executive Board
Holly Bentley
Applied Materials
P: (720) 878-8398
Past President
Kathleen Cissel
Battelle Memorial Institute
P: (937) 255-9243
Vice President
Kelley Wilkerson
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Kelsey Cannon
Lockheed Martin
P: (303) 903-5514
Recording Secretary
Ashley Hilmas
General Secretary
Jeffrey D. Smith
Missouri University of Science and Technology
P: (573) 341-4447
Geoff Brennecka
Colorado School of Mines
P: (303) 384-2238
Student Representative
Laura Klusendorf
University of Illinois
Keramos Awards
Greaves-Walker Roll of Honor
The Greaves-Walker Roll of Honor award is derived from the Honorary Member of the Grand Chapter award and honors one of the original founders of the Fraternity, Arthur F. Greaves-Walker. The award was formally established by the Board in 1961. Arthur F. Greaves-Walker was an engineer, educator, leader and champion of ceramic engineering as a recognized profession. He served as the First Grand National Potter (National President) of Keramos, and his influence dominated the growth of Keramos for decades. His imprint on our activities and ethos continues to this day.
The Greaves-Walker Roll of Honor Award recognizes senior members of Keramos who by nature of their long and honorable service to the Fraternity may be placed on the Roll by consensus of the Board upon nomination by any member in good standing. Nominations may be submitted to the General Secretary at any time; the award is made at the Annual Convocation and Business Meeting, with no necessity of making the award each year.
Contests Organized by Keramos

Ceramic Mug Drop Contest
Keramos organizes the ceramic mug drop contests as part of the Material Advantage™ student activities at the Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) meeting. 2024 Mug Drop Contest Rules

Ceramic Disc Golf Contest
The purpose of the Ceramic Disc Golf contest is to promote spirited and collegial competition among students by demonstrating their prowess in manufacturing ceramic discs possessing high strength and mechanical reliability. 2024 Ceramic Disc Golf Contest Rules