The purpose of this award is to recognize a distinguished doctoral dissertation in the ceramics and glass discipline. The award is generously sponsored by Morgan Advanced Materials and includes the Morgan Medal.

The awardee must have been a member of the Global Graduate Researcher Network (GGRN) and have completed a doctoral dissertation as well as all other graduation requirements set by their institution for a doctoral degree within 12 months prior to the application deadline.

  • Nominations should be made by a person very familiar with the student’s work such as the research supervisor. It is expected the student will collaborate in the preparation of the nomination package.
  • Nominations must be in English.
  • Nominations must include the following:
    • CV or bio of 1 page, including significant publications and presentations relevant to the dissertation.
    • Abstract of 1,000 to 3,000 words plus no more than 2 pages of figures, including the following 3 sections.
      • Statement of the problem.
      • Summary of the research and results, including any new techniques developed and collaborations.
      • Impact of the research.
    • Two letters of recommendation – one from a) and one from either b) or c) below:
      a. Letter from the supervisor which confirms that the dissertation and all requirements for graduation have been met, and which summarizes the key points of the nomination.
      b. Letter from a member of the dissertation committee which provides an independent opinion on the value of the dissertation.
      c. Letter from an external person familiar with the work which summarizes the impact of the work.
  • Copies of accepted and published papers directly relevant to the dissertation.
  • An on-line link to the dissertation or other means of accessing the dissertation.
You may start, save, complete, and submit your nominations accessing the acers award portal below. 


The award is presented at the Awards Banquet at the SOCIETY Annual Meeting and consists of a $1000 honorarium, certificate including the Morgan Medal, and complimentary meeting registration at the Annual Meeting where the award is presented.

Questions may be directed to Erica Zimmerman at

2023 Morgan Medal and Global Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Link


Deadline for Nominations:

March 1 annually

Award Winners