Hans Hausner, 1927–2016
It is with great sadness that we share the news that Prof Dr Hans Hausner, a founder member of the European Ceramic Society, died last August 26th. He was 89. He left his wife, Marlene, 2 sons, 2 daughters, their husbands and wives, and several grandchildren.
Hans was born in Neustadt an der Waldnaab on May 23rd 1927. He studied chemistry at TU Munich from 1946 to 1951, where he defended his doctorate thesis. He worked in industry from 1954 to 1961, mainly developing electroceramics (especially titanates and ferrites), but also working on fireproof materials in the glass industry. In 1961, his attention turned to nuclear energy ceramics, particularly the behaviour of uranium oxide. He worked initially for Euratom (Brussels), then had 4 years in the General Electric Nuclear Research Lab in California before returning to Europe where he worked again at Euratom, this time in the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy.
In 1972, Hans became Professor at the Technical University of Berlin until his retirement in 1994, when he was granted emeritus status. A characteristic of his academic carrier was his continuous willingness to support cooperation between university and industry.
Hans played a very important role in Germany as the CEO of the German Ceramic Society (DKG) from 1988 to 2003, contributing to the successful integration of the ceramic industry, science and education of the former East Germany into the DKG.
Hans also contributed strongly to cooperation with other countries. He was Germany’s representative for the charter signature at the inaugural meeting of the European Ceramic Society, ECerS, on the 9th September 1987. As the second President of ECerS (1989-1991), he participated in the creation of the International Ceramic Federation (ICF), for whom he was the third President (1993-1995).
Hans was recognised worldwide; he was a member of the World Academy of Ceramics and a Fellow and Distinguished Life Member of the American Ceramic Society. Unfortunately, ECerS did not have these categories at the time, or he would certainly have also been recognised by becoming a Fellow and Life Member.
The whole European scientific community will remember this brilliant scientist who has contributed so much to the development of ceramic science and technology.