The Fulrath Awards promote technical and personal friendships between professional Japanese and U.S. ceramic engineers and scientists and encourage a greater understanding among the diverse cultures surrounding the Pacific Rim. The awards recognize individuals for their excellence in research and development of ceramic sciences and materials. Each of the awardees receives a certificate at the ACerS Annual Meeting banquet, which epitomizes the “Bridge Across the Pacific” theme that the award has come to symbolize since its inception in 1978.

Nomination process: Completion of the nomination form that includes a letter of nomination and a copy of the nominee’s resume. Nominees must be 45 or younger at the time of award presentation (October). Nominations remain active for 5 years or until the nominee reaches 45 years.

You may start, save, complete, and submit your nominations accessing the acers award portal below. 


There are 5 awardees total: 1 U.S. Academic; 1 Japanese Academic; 1 U.S. Industrial; 2 Japanese Industrial.

All awardees shall each receive complimentary registration to attend the ACerS Annual Meeting and banquet and a $2,500 award, contingent upon sufficient funds being available in the Fulrath Award Endowment Fund. Each awardee is expected to participate in the Fulrath Symposium and to present a 20- or 40-minute technical paper addressing the topical area for which they were recognized.

The U.S. academic awardee will attend the annual meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan the following year and present a paper at that meeting. While in Japan, the U.S. awardee is also expected to visit universities and industrial laboratories and present seminars as arranged by members of the Japanese Fulrath Memorial Association Committee.

Questions may be directed to Erica Zimmerman at

Deadline for Nominations:

March 1 annually