The American Ceramic Society Bulletin has been the leading source of information for ceramics and glass industry for nearly 100 years. With so many of the articles provided by industry partners, the data and insights published in the Bulletin are rarely available and certainly not readily available from any other resource.
Every page of every issue of the Bulletin is now digitized. While the current year's issues are available by subscription, historic issues dating from Volume 1 Number 1 (May 1922) through the previous calendar year (2019) are now available as the fully indexed Bulletin Archive Online. The Archive is not a simple backfile, but rather a living archive that is updated each year.
The Bulletin Archive Online is informative for people who are novices in the ceramic and glass industry, all the way up to experts in the field. The articles are technical, yet easy to digest, and will support research, teaching, patent research, manufacturing, and more for your patrons. Additionally the Archive can be a 24/7 resource for lessons in fields beyond materials science such as history, business, and even women's studies. Check out this example Lesson Plan - Ceramics Industry Past and Future.
Through built in searching, library patrons and ACerS members can locate text contained not only within the articles, but also within advertising, surveys, etc. Once located, the user can immediately read or download PDFs of individual articles or full issues with a simple click of a mouse. At any time and from anywhere with access to your institution's network IPs (on campus and potentially through VPNs).
GIVE YOUR PATRONS ACCESS TO THIS UNIQUE RESOURCE!The Bulletin Archive Online is available to institutions and libraries through licensing and IP authentication. The American Ceramic Society offers a variety of licensing arrangements including single-year and permanent licensing, using the ACerS license or your institution's license, or by mutual agreement to abide by the NISO-SERU licensing terms. Permanent license: $9,900 Single-year license: $2,400 Begin your licensing discussions by contacting: Almost 100 years of searchable trends in the field.The Bulletin Archive Online contains practical, understandable articles on all aspects of engineering, manufacturing, and applications of ceramic and glass materials. Ceramics and glasses are special materials, and engineers need to know how to work with them. The Bulletin Archive Online has the answers. Shown left is just a sampling of articles on the topic of fiber optics pulled from the Archive. Still not sure? You can search the Archive and view tables of contents prior to attaining a license. Go to for a test drive.