The ACerS International Italy Chapter is organizing a workshop called “Le mille vite del vetro — The thousand lives of glass” in Venice, Italy, on May 24, 2024.
This workshop, free and open to researchers, industries, and students interested in glass science and technology, aims to bring together companies and researchers in the glass sector. It provides a platform to share innovative ideas developed in laboratories and facilitate their transfer to businesses, as well as to explore new opportunities presented by this extraordinary material with a millennia-old history. The workshop will feature presentations from high-level international speakers from both academic and industrial backgrounds.
All participants are invited to present a poster, which will compete for the Best Poster Award.
The event is supported by IsoClima Spa, I.Cer.S., Glass Company s.r.l., and DSMN-Ca’ Foscari University, with sponsorship from INSTM-Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali.
The final program is available here.
For more info, please visit this link.