The annual meeting of the ACerS Carolinas Section was held on April 16, 2024, at the Learning Center for Sustainable Futures, University of South Carolina. More than 40 attendees from North and South Carolina’s universities, national labs, and companies had the opportunity to exchange their ideas, perspectives, visions, and their latest research results. Many thanks to professor Andrew Gross from the ME department of USC, who coordinated and hosted the meeting.

Travis Knight, chair of the department of mechanical engineering (ME) at University of South Carolina (USC) gave welcome remarks and introduced the ME department and USC.

Rajendra K. Bordia, ACerS president, gave an overview of ACerS and his visions, priorities, and plans for the society’s future, members’ benefits, and divisions’ and sections’ roles.

Brigid Mullany, from University of North Carolina, Charlotte, gave an invited technical talk on additive manufacturing of ceramics.

Lang Yuan, from University of South Carolina, gave an invited technical talk on additive manufacturing of ceramics.

Carolinas Section chair, Divine Kumah from Duke University, introduced the section’s leadership team to the audience.

1st Place: Siddhartha Sarkar, Clemson University
“Ultra-fast laser sintering of iron-alumina material system”

2nd Place: Miranda Stone, Clemson University
“Pushing Compositional Limits of Optical Fibers Fabricated Using the Molten Core Method”

3rd Place: Mohammad El Loubani, University Of South Carolina
“Effect of Metal Particles Formed by Metal Exsolution on the Thermoelectric Properties of Epitaxial ABO3 Thin Films”