On April 12, 2024, the New Jersey/New York Metro/Philadelphia Section of ACerS held its annual event in conjunction with the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Rutgers University and the Ceramic Association of New Jersey (CANJ). The event was the Malcolm G. McLaren Symposium, and the theme of the symposium was “Glass — Enhancing Lives Around the World.” This annual event recognizes a distinguished member of the ceramics community. This year the awardee was Dr. Claudio Mazzali, vice president for global research, Corning Inc.
In the morning, a poster competition for high school students was organized by professor Goel. Five school districts were represented by 17 students. Awards were given for the best poster presentations. An afternoon of exceptional talks led up to the Distinguished Speaker’s Address. Other speakers included Dr. Ashutosh Goel, a professor of materials science and engineering at Rutgers University, who presented “Glass Structure as a Probe to Predict Crystallization.”
During the day, professor Koray Akdogan, undergraduate program director, announced the Undergraduate Scholarships. The Symposium was followed by a reception for students, alumni, faculty, and attendees. During the reception, professor Ahmad Safari awarded the best undergraduate and graduate student posters.

Malcolm G. McLaren Symposium awardee, Dr. Claudio Mazzali, vice president for global research, Corning Inc., (center) shown here with professor Richard Lehman (right) and Alberto Cuitino, school of engineering dean (left).

Dr. Ilkay Sökmen (left), glass technologies director at Sisecam, Istanbul, Turkey, presented “‘Care for Next’ in Glass Innovation.”

Dr. Charles Craig (right), senior vice president (retired) research and development, Corning Incorporated, presented “Perspectives on a Lifetime Career in Materials RD&E and Innovation at Corning.”

Attendees filled the auditorium to enjoy the symposium and reception.

The graduate awardees are joined by professors Richard Lehman, Ryan Sills, and Ashutosh Goel.

The undergraduate awardees are joined by Dr. Ahmad Safari, president of the Ceramic Association of New Jersey.