Cements 2011

The 2nd Advances in Cement-based Materials, hosted jointly by ACerS Cements Division & Center for Advanced Cement-Based Materials, was held July 24-26, 2011, at Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee. The meeting was attended by 107 people, including 49 students. Florence Sanchez of Vanderbilt University was the program chair of this year’s meeting. The meeting featured a tutorial on Geochemical Speciation Modeling and Transport Processes Applied to Cement-Based Materials; over 30 oral presentations and 25 poster presentations; a panel discussion on the Future of Cementitious Materials. The Della Roy Lecture, titled Modeling Hydration Kinetics of Cementitious Systems, was presented by Karen Scrivener, of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

Final Program


