Advanced Cement-based Materials

Download the Final Program

Meeting Description
Advances in Cement-based Materials takes place in the Civil Engineering Building and the Heine Pharmacy Building on campus. Download the Purdue University map for conference and parking details or visit the Schedule. Advances in Cement-based Materials, hosted at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, will cover topics of interest to the Cements Division and the Center for Advanced Cement-Based Materials. By co-locating with ACBM, the Cements Division will build upon core audience, offer strong student activities for training and to bring in new members. The advantages of this partnership will lead to growth of Cement Division membership and new opportunities for training, mentoring, and collaboration.

Online registration for Cements 2010 is closed. Please register on site.

On or Before

June 11, 2010


June 11,

ACerS Member $205 $305
ACBM Member $205 $305
Nonmember $325 $425
Emeritus/Senior $165 $265
Student Member $75 $125
Student Nonmember $100 $150
Advances in Cement-based Materials will focus on advances in experimental characterization, material modification and novel binders, material modeling/simulations, and sensing. Topics include:

  • Manufacture of next-generation cements, including low energy/”green” cements, belitic cements, calcium aluminate cements, calcium sulfate cements, calcium phosphate cements, geopolymers, and other novel binder compositions.
  • Chemical, mineral, and inert admixtures and their interactions in cementitious systems.
  • Modification of early age or hardened properties of cementitious materials and advances in processing.
  • New developments regarding experimental techniques for characterizing hydration, nano/microstructure, early age properties, hardened properties, durability, and other physical and chemical phenomena of cementitious materials and cement-based composites.
  • Advances in modeling the behavior of cement-based materials, including mechanical behavior, physical behavior, chemical behavior, durability, interaction of cementitious materials with the environment and life-cycle assessment. Of particular interest are applications of molecular dynamics simulations to cement-based systems.
  • Advances in sensor technology for monitoring fresh, hardened properties and physical and chemical degradation processes.

Download the Final Program now!

The half-day tutorial “An Introduction to the Uses of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Cement-based Materials” will feature Florence Sanchez from Vanderbilt, Alejandro Strachan from Purdue, and Jim Kirkpatrick,
Cements Division Trustee and Dean of the College of Natural Sciences from Michigan State University who will address uses of molecular dynamics simulations for cement-based materials.
Della Roy Lecture
R. James Kirkpatrick

R. James Kirkpatrick

Jim Kirkpatrick, Cements Division Trustee and Dean of the College of Natural Sciences from Michigan State University will deliver the Della Roy Lecture.His talk is entitled “NMR Spectroscopy in Cement Science.”

Dr. Kirkpatrick’s research focuses on the application of high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and computational molecular modeling in geochemistry, mineralogy and materials chemistry. He received his PhD in Geology from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaignin 1972 and has authored more than 200 research publications.

Kimberly Kurtis

Georgia Institute of Technology

Associate Professor
Civil & Environmental Engineering

(404) 385-0825

Jason Weiss

Purdue University

Professor, Civil Engineering
Director, Pankow Materials Laboratory

(765) 494-2215

Paramita Mondal

University of Illinois
Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Cements Division Leadership

Division Chair: Florence Sanchez, Vanderbilt University

Chair-Elect: Zachary C. Grasley, Texas A&M Univ.

Secretary: Joseph J. Biernacki, Tennessee Technological Univ.

Trustee: R. James Kirkpatrick, Michigan State Univ.

ACBM Leadership

Director: Surendra P Shah
Associate Director: Jason Weiss
