ACerS Glass & Optical Materials Division held its 2022 annual meeting and conference in Baltimore, Md., May 22–26, 2022. The conference, which is always excellent, gained added luster from the United Nations declaring 2022 the International Year of Glass (IYOG). About 215 people attended the conference in person, and 59 provided prerecorded presentations. Student participation was strong with 53 in attendance, and 22 countries were represented.
GOMD Program Chairs
Ashutosh Goel Rutgers University | Charmayne Lonergan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
GOMD Officers
GOMD 2021-2022 Officers | |
Chair Gang Chen Ohio University | Chair-elect Joseph Ryan Pacific Northwest National Lab |
Vice chair Irene Peterson Corning Research and Development Corporation | Secretary Michelle Korwin-Edson Owens Corning |
Final Program & Abstracts
CTT Wrap-up
The American Ceramic Society values diverse and inclusive participation within the field of ceramic science and engineering. ACerS strives to promote involvement and access to leadership opportunity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, career path or academic level.