PACRIM14 provided a unique forum for knowledge exchange and sharing, and facilitated the establishment of new contacts from all over the world. The technical program covered a wide range of exciting and emerging topics organized into a 7-track system which includes 42 symposia planned that will identify global challenges and opportunities for various ceramic technologies.
- Multiscale Modeling, Simulation and Characterization
- Innovative Processing and Manufacturing
- Nanotechnology and Structural Ceramics
- Multifunctional Materials and Systems
- Ceramics for Energy Systems
- Ceramics for Environmental Systems
- Biomaterials, Biotechnologies, and Bioinspired Materials
We anticipate strong participation of colleagues from cooperating societies, including CerSJ, KCerS, CCS, AusCerS, and other ceramic societies from around the world. ACerS Glass and Optical Materials Division (GOMD) will host its division meeting at PACRIM14. PACRIM history
PACRIM Program Chair
Michael C. Halbig NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio |
The GOMD 2021 technical sessions consisting of both oral and poster presentations, led by technical leaders from industry, national laboratories, and academia, will provide an open forum for glass scientists and engineers from around the world to present and exchange findings on recent advances in various aspects related to glass science and technology. The program features over 22 sessions organized in five symposia:
- Fundamentals of the Glassy State
- Optical and Electronic Materials and Devices
- Glass Interactions With its Environment
- Glass Technology and Cross-Cutting Topics
- Glass Education
GOMD Program Chairs
Doris Möncke Alfred University Alfred, NY | Mathieu Hubert Corning Research and Development Corp. Corning, NY |
GOMD Officers
GOMD 2020-2021 Officers | |
Chair John Mauro Pennsylvania State University | Chair-elect Gang Chen Ohio University |
Vice chair Joseph Ryan Pacific Northwest National Lab | Secretary Irene Peterson Corning Research and Development Corporation |
The American Ceramic Society values diverse and inclusive participation within the field of ceramic science and engineering. ACerS strives to promote involvement and access to leadership opportunity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, career path or academic level.