Meeting Description

More than 360 glass scientists, engineers, and students attended ACerS Glass and Optical Materials Division technical conference and annual business meeting in Madison, Wis., the week of May 22 for a program that featured five symposia – Fundamentals of the Glassy State, Glasses in Healthcare, Optical and Electronic Materials and Devices, Glass Technology and Cross-cutting Topics, and Festschrift for Professor Donald R. Uhlmann. Technical sessions consisted of both oral and poster presentations, led by technical leaders from industry, national laboratories, and academia provided an open forum for glass scientists and engineers from around the world to present and exchange findings on recent advances in various aspects related to glass science and technology.

2016 Program Chair

Liping Huang

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

John Kieffer

University of Michigan

GOMD Leadership

Division Chair: Randall Youngman
Chair-Elect: Edgar Zanotto
Vice Chair: Pierre Lucas
Secretary: Liping Huang

GOMD 2016 Meeting Links
