Meeting Description |
The Innovations in Biomedical Materials 2016 meeting took place on July 29-31 at the Hyatt Rosemont (Chicago area). This was the third in a series of biomaterial meetings organized by The American Ceramic Society. The meeting emphasized collaboration between R&D, medical practitioners, and biomedical materials manufacturers/marketers to better develop emerging technologies into marketable products. Cutting-edge research and product developments related to novel materials for orthopedic, dental, and maxillofacial applications; advanced manufacturing technologies; power sources, energy harvesting, power transmission and telemetry; as well as implantable and wearable sensors were featured.
The meeting highlighted five keynote speakers immediately followed by an expert panel session where the audience was able to interact with renowned experts in the biomedical field. In addition, a robust technical program consisting of five tracks provided a forum for scientists, engineers, medical professionals, and industrial researchers to discuss recent advances in the field of biomedical materials. This meeting was endorsed by the European Ceramic Society and the Society for Biomaterials. The Orthopedic Application (Track 1) was supported by the Orthopaedic Research Society.
Program Chairs |
Roger Narayan
University of North Carolina, USA |
Alessandro Alan Porporati
CeramTec GmbH, Germany |
Markus Reiterer
Medtronic, PLC., USA |
Meeting Links |
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