We are pleased to announce that the 46th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC’22) will be held virtually from January 23–28, 2022. This conference has a strong history of being the preeminent international meeting on advanced structural and functional ceramics, composites, and other emerging ceramic materials and technologies. The Engineering Ceramics Division (ECD) of The American Ceramic Society has organized this esteemed event since 1977. Due to the high quality of technical presentations and unique networking opportunities, this event has achieved tremendous worldwide interest and has attracted active participation from ceramic researchers and developers from the global technical community thanks to the dedication and support of our membership.
Program Chair
Palani Balaya
National University of Singapore
ACerS Engineering Ceramics Division Leadership
- Trustee: Michael Halbig, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA, michael.c.halbig@nasa.gov
- Chair: Valerie Wiesner, NASA Langley Research Center, USA, valerie.l.wiesner@nasa.gov
- Chair-Elect: Hisayuki Suematsu, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan, suematsu@nagaokaut.ac.jp
- Vice Chair/Treasurer: Palani Balaya, National University of Singapore, Singapore, mpepb@nus.edu.sg
- Secretary: Young-Wook Kim, University of Seoul, ywkim@uos.ac.kr
- Parliamentarian and Counselor: Manabu Fukushima, AIST, Japan, manabu-fukushima@aist.go.jp
- Counselor: Surojit Gupta, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA, surojit.gupta@engr.und.edu
Meeting Links
The American Ceramic Society values diverse and inclusive participation within the field of ceramic science and engineering. ACerS strives to promote involvement and access to leadership opportunity regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, career path or academic level.