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44th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2020) Archive


January 26, 2020 @ 8:00 am UTC+0
January 31, 2020 @ 12:00 pm UTC+0

ICACC, organized by the ACerS Engineering Ceramics Division, welcomed 1,003 attendees, including 299 students, from 37 countries with about 50% coming from outside the United States. Organizer Valerie Wiesner, a research materials engineer with NASA Langley Research Center, says, “We had great engagement from the ceramics community to put together a high-quality program. We added an 18th symposium on ultra-high temperature ceramics and held the 4th Pacific Rim Engineering Ceramics Summit. An inaugural ‘Women in Ceramics Lunch’ was also held, bringing together about 45 women for lunch and discussion with a panel of five distinguished women from our field and was well received.”

Program Chair

Valerie Wiesner
NASA Langley Research Center

Valerie Wiesner
NASA Langley Research Center

Meeting Links

Final program


CTT event wrap-up
