1,021 people from 38 countries attended the 35th International Conference and Exposition on Advance Ceramics and Composites. ICACC’11 was held January 23-28, 2011, at the Hilton Daytona Beach Resort & Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL. This year, Program Chair Dileep Singh, the Engineering Ceramics Division Leaders, and over 75 organizers put together a technical program that included 750 presentations and posters. The Conference included 14 Symposium and two Focused Topics. In addition, it included the 1st Pacific Rim Engineering Ceramics Summit. An exposition and poster sessions were held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in the adjacent Daytona Beach Ocean Center. The exhibit included 51 exhibitors and attracted more than 500 people each evening.

Learn more about ICACC’12, hosted in Daytona Beach, Florida January 22-27, 2012.

Meeting Summary

ICACC’11 Report

American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 90. No. 2, pg 34.

Download the Meeting Guide [2MB]

Meeting History

In 1977, The American Ceramic Society’s Ceramic-Metal Systems Division held its 1st Annual Conference on Composites and Advanced Materials in Cocoa Beach, Florida with 21 in attendance. In 1985, the Ceramic-Metal Division changed it name to the current Engineering Ceramics Davison. While the meeting underwent a few name changes through its history, one thing had remained contact – the meeting location in Cocoa Beach. Thus, most people referred to the meeting as simply “The Cocoa Beach Meeting.” Things changed in 2007, however, as “The Cocoa Beach Meeting” moved up the coast to Daytona Beach to  accommodate the growth of this popular meeting. The move was successful as the 2007 conference was the first ICACC to attract more than 1,000 attendees. While the meeting location has changed, the meeting’s purpose remains constant – to provide a high quality technical program with the latest information on advanced ceramics and composites and to provide the best possible venue for networking opportunities.
