MCARE 2014

Final Program

Meeting Summary
The 2014 Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy Conference (MCARE2014) attracted nearly 200 engineers, scientists, business people, and students from 30 countries. MCARE 2014 facilitated information sharing on the latest developments involving materials for alternative and renewable energy systems. Emphasis was on materials challenges and innovations in areas of hydrogen, solar energy, solar power and concentrators, battery and energy storage, nanocomposites and nanowires, nuclear, critical resources, and other energy area.

This year’s plenary speakers were: M. Stanley Whittingham, SUNY Stony Brook, USA; D. Yogi Goswami, Clean Energy Research Center, University of South Florida, USA; Silke Christiansen, Helmholtz-Center Berlin, Germany; Bor Z. Jang, Angstron Materials, Inc. and Nanotek Instruments, Inc., USA; Taek-Soo Kim, Korea Institute for Rare Metal, Korea; Suklyun Hong, Graphene Research Institute and Sejong University, Korea; Chikashi Nishimura, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan; and Ned Stetson, Fuel Cell Technologies Office, DOE, USA.

Great networking took place at the meeting during 3 lunches, a welcome reception and a poster session.

Organizers determined that MCARE will be held in the United States in even years within the March to May time frame and that ACerS will provide the opportunity for organizations to host MCARE conference outside of North America in odd numbered years. WE have tentatively scheduled MCARE 2015 in Jeju Korea in February or March of 2015. We will hold MCARE 2016 in the United States in March to May of 2016.

H.T. Lin

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Sanjay Mathur

University of Cologne

Ragaiy Zidan

Savannah River National Laboratory

MCARE 2014 was organized by The American Ceramic Society and co-organized by ASM International. MCARE 2014 was endorsed by MRS-Materials Research Society.

MCARE Founders and MCARE 2014

Advisory Program Co-Chairs

George Wicks

Jack Simon
