Planning a virtual conference for a couple hundred attendees is challenging. But how do you convert a conference that typically welcomes a couple thousand people when held in-person to a successful virtual event? That was the challenge ACerS staff faced this year when planning how to safely hold ACerS Annual Meeting at the 2020 Materials Science & Technology (MS&T20) meeting.
MS&T is organized by ACerS, AIST, and TMS.
ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T21 will take place Oct. 17–21, 2021, in Columbus, Ohio. We look forward to seeing you in person next year!
- Read the story
- Log in to the MS&T20 Virtual online portal using your email and password credentials.
Easily access ACerS award lectures at MS&T20 Virtual
Log in to the MS&T20 Virtual online portal using your email and password credentials.
Once logged in as a registered attendee, click on the following links for quick access to view ACerS award lectures.
- Frontiers of Science and Society—Rustum Roy Lecture
- EPDC Arthur L. Friedberg Ceramic Engineering Tutorial and Lecture
- Richard M. Fulrath Award session
- Edward Orton, Jr. Memorial Lecture
- GOMD Alfred R. Cooper Award session
All attendees will be able to access all presentations through December 31, 2020.
Open access presentations
Watch the following presentations, including ACerS award presentations here:
- Frontiers of Science and Society 2020 Rustum Roy Lecture
- ACerS/EPDC: Arthur L. Friedberg Ceramic Engineering Tutorial and Lecture
- Glass & Optical Materials Division: Alfred R. Cooper Scholars Award
- Edward Orton, Jr. Memorial Lecture
- Industrial Refractory Ceramics: Challenges, Innovation & Visioneering (ACerS-ECerS joint symposium)
- Ceramics and computing: Modelling, informatics, machine learning and computational materials science (ACerS-ECerS joint symposium)
- Advanced Microscopy and Data Analysis in Electronic Ceramic Research and Development (ACerS-ECerS joint symposium)
- Dense Powder Beds for the Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics (ACerS-ECerS joint symposium)
- Transformation-induced Plasticity in Ceria-doped Zirconia Composites: Towards Ductile and Shape-memory Ceramics (ACerS-ECerS joint symposium)
- Ceramics in Higher Education Nowadays: New Pedagogical Formats Searching a Balance Between Material and Immaterial (ACerS-ECerS joint symposium)
- Colloidal Processing as an Effective Tool for Manufacturing Functional Ceramics with Enhanced Properties (ACerS-ECerS joint symposium)
- Nanochemistry: From Molecules to Materials for Energy and Health Applications (ACerS-ECerS joint symposium)
- Advanced Ceramics and Composites for Nuclear Energy – Emerging Opportunities (ACerS-ECerS joint symposium)
Watch the MS&T20 Virtual Town Hall meeting
ACerS 122nd Annual Meeting was held online October 5
Visit the official ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T20 page for details.