Meeting Description |
ACerS 119th Annual Meeting takes place October 8-12, 2017 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, during MS&T. Hear about the state of The Society, and help shape the future. Make your plans to attend today!
MS&T affords you an opportunity like no other. You have the chance to hear the latest technical advances and cutting-edge developments in the materials science community, connect with friends, and network with your peers.
Registration Rates |
MS&T17 registration for ACerS Distinguished Life and Senior/Emeritus members
ACerS Distinguished Life Members are eligible for complimentary MS&T17 registration and Senior/Emeritus Members qualify for reduced MS&T registration. These special offers are only available through ACerS, and are not found on the online MS&T registration site.
Please complete one of the special registration forms (click on links above) and send it to Erica Zimmerman by August 15, 2017. Contact Erica if you are not sure if you are a Senior or Emeritus member of ACerS.