Register now!


Meeting Description

Hosted October 17-21 in Houston, Texas, ACerS 112th Annual Meeting affords you an opportunity like no other. You have the chance to hear the latest technical advances and cutting-edge developments in the materials science community, connect with friends, and network with your peers.

Don’t miss…

  • ACerS Award Lectures: Rustum Roy, Sosman, Orton, Friedberg, Fulrath Award Session, and Cooper Session and Award
  • Annual Honors and Awards Banquet on Monday evening
  • Networking at the ACerS Member Lounge (You’ll find us near Registration)
  • Outstanding technical programming


Who Should Attend

This partnership of four leading materials societies brings together scientists, engineers, students, suppliers and others to discuss current research and applications, and shape the future of materials science and technology.


Registration Rates
On or before
September 24
September 24
Member $575 $675
Nonmember $725 $850
Participant* Member $525 $625
Participant* Nonmember $675 $800
Student Member $75 $100
Student Nonmember $100 $125
Student Participant* Member $50 $75
Student Participant* Nonmember $75 $100
One-day Member $425 $600
One-day Nonmember $575 $800
Expo Only $25 $25

* Speaker, Organizers, Session Chair

Attention Distinguished Life Members and Senior/Emeritus Members

ACerS is offering complimentary registration for Distinguished Life Members and reduced registration for Senior/Emeritus members. These special offers are only available through ACerS, so complete the special form and send it to Marcia Stout by 15 August 2010.
