Schedule of Events 

Workshop Description

ACerS and the National Science Foundation will hold a free workshop June 13-14, 2012 at NSF Headquarters in Arlington, Va. The  NSF Ceramic Grantees Workshop is designed for the professional development of Principal Investigators and co-PIs who have recently received NSF grants in the Ceramics Program. The workshop core includes presentations on NSF Required Reports and DMR Highlights Request; Writing Effective Highlights for Public Audiences; and Making Your NSF Reviews Effective. Additional sessions include American Competitiveness and Innovation(ACI) Fellow Presentations; Keys to Success in Research and in Broadening Participation; The Materials Genome Initiative; Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) and Facilities, Instrumentation and Cooperation in the USA. Each participant will provide an oral and poster presentation highlighting their research and education activities. Review the Schedule of Events for all the details.

Attendee Assignment

Each participant is expected to:

  1. Prepare a one-page introductory slide outlining your main and/or recent areas of interest in new collaboration. Send it to Greg Geiger by May 29. (Access sample PI presentations from the 2011 Workshop)
  2. Prepare a highlight for the public using the NSF Highlight Guide. Submit highlights to both and via e‐mail before the workshop with PI surname and grant number in the subject line. After hearing a presentation on Wednesday morning on how to write effective highlights, you will have until 2:45pm that day to submit a final version.
  3. Prepare a poster (3′ x 3′ maximum) for display during the workshop

Although presenters only have three minutes for their introduction, they will have time to share information at one of the three scheduled poster sessions.

2012 NSF Workshop Participants:

Ann Anderson Molly Gentleman Ian Nettleship
Scott Beckman Rosario Gerhardt Juan Nino
Gang Chen Pelagia Gouma Miladin Radovic
Franglin Chen Eric Hellstrom Andrew Rappe
Erica Corral Asegun Henry Gregory Rohrer
Matthew Dawber Jacqueline Johnson Tina Salguero
Alex Demkov Howard Katz Victoria Soghomonian
Elizabeth Dickey John Kieffer Andrei Stanishevsky
Shen Dillon Seong H. Kim Minoru Tomozawa
Tabbetha Dobbins Dongxia Liu Jean Toulouse
Jincheng Du Jian Luo Carmine Vittoria
Paul Evans Hongmei Luo Amy Walker
William Fahrenholtz Steve Martin Judy Wu
Steven Feller Michael McHenry Mariya Zhuravleva
Location & Hotel Information

The NSF Workshop will be held in Stafford I, Room 375 at NSF Headquarters, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va., 22203. Accommodations Unlimited provides a complimentary room reservation service in the area. They are very familiar with NSF and are experts at finding availability at special rates. Please contact Nancy Bishop for assistance. Visit NSF & Ballston/Arlington Visitor Information for information on NSF and the Arlington area.

2010 – 2012 PI Profiles

Select from this list of PI Profiles to review award abstract, award highlights and more:
