Workshop Description |
ACerS and NSF will hold a second free workshop July 28-29, 2011, building on the success of last year’s NSF Ceramic Materials PI Workshop. Hosted at the Virginia Tech Research Center-Arlington, the National Science Foundation Ceramic Materials Principal Investigator Workshop is designed for the professional development of Principal Investigators and co-PIs who have recently received NSF grants in the Ceramics Program. The workshop core includes sessions on data management, publishing in high profile journals, membership and studies at the National Academies, and issues resulting in the underrepresentation of women in science. An additional discussion topic will focus on the roles and responsibilities of PIs, professional societies and government agencies. Pre- and post-workshop tutorials cover NSF reporting requirements, writing press releases for the public, key aspects of NSF proposal submissions, and delivering your opinion in proposal reviews. Each participant will provide an oral and poster presentation highlighting their research and education activities.
Registration is Now Closed |
The Workshop is at capacity. If you would like to be added to the waiting list or to attend future NSF PI Workshops, please contact Mark Mecklenborg with your request.
Workshop Goals |
The goals of the workshop are to educate attendees about the Proposal, Award and Reporting processes, to provide an environment for attendees to collaborate and share information on research projects with other materials professionals, to improve communication about research accomplishments, to address key issues in the field, and to engage PIs in discussions to improve processes that help ACerS and NSF increase the effectiveness of ceramics research.
Attendee Assignment |
Each participant will provide an oral and poster presentation highlighting their research, education activities, their facilities and their collaborations. Each PI will be asked to make a three minute presentation following last year’s format. Access sample PI presentations from the 2010 Workshop. ACerS will contact PIs in June to request the PowerPoint slide used for this presentation. Presentations will be pre-loaded so that they’re ready at the Workshop. The slides and project abstracts will be printed and distributed at the Workshop. Although presenters only have three minutes for their introduction, they will have time to share information at one of the three scheduled poster sessions. Posters should be no more than 3 ft. wide by 3 ft. high. Presenters must set up posters upon arriving at the Workshop.
Location & Hotel Information |
The NSF Workshop will be held in the multi-purpose room of the Virginia Tech Research Center-Arlington, 900 N. Glebe Road, Arlington, Va., 22203. A 5-minute walk away, use the the Ballston-MU Metro Station (orange line). Exit the station and head west on Fairfax Dr., then turn left onto Glebe Rd. Driving directions are also available.
Accommodations Unlimited provides a complimentary room reservation service in the area. They are very familiar with NSF and are experts at finding availability at special rates. Please contact Nancy Bishop for assistance at (703) 385-5680.
Select from this list of PI Profiles to review award abstract, award highlights and more:
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