Publishing Presentations
International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science
is the ACerS Journal for publishing conference presentations
You Asked - We Delivered
Peer reviewed, indexed, and freely distributed validation of your latest discoveries
Better than proceedings, articles published in IJCES are permanent entries in the scientific record
IJCES is...
Unique publishing platform for all levels of ceramic research
Open Access for global readership without paywalls
About those APCs
Article processing charges allow unlimited readership while authors retain control
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International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal covering all aspects of research, development, processing, manufacturing, and use of ceramic and related materials, assemblies, and systems. From traditional ceramics (whiteware, refractories, clay, etc.) through advanced ceramics, glass and composite materials, processes and systems for biomedical, energy, environmental, aerospace, transportation, civil, manufacturing, and electronics applications, this comprehensive and international journal provides a platform to communicate discoveries and contributions from academics and industry. The journal welcomes contributions targeting fundamental scientific questions, as well as application oriented systematic works.
The criteria for publication are that the work must be well conducted and scientifically sound. Impact is not a main criterion as the Journal is designed to be inclusive and supportive of the author. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are evaluated by international referees for the overall accuracy and relevance of the science and engineering presented.
benefits for authors
Industry researchers
Emphasize your company's technology leadership with the validation of peer-review and global findability and distribution
Students and early career researchers
Quick publication of work at any stage, from registered reports to work-in-progress to fully evidenced research articles to perspectives and reviews with free-form document submission
Breakthrough developments
Secure the key findings of your presentation in the scientific record to engage collaboration and preclude competition
Author Instruction Summary
All ACerS journals support single and multiple document manuscript submissions. The only requirements are:
- Title, authors, affiliations, abstract, and full bibliography (including title and all author names on the references)
- Double spacing for the main text document
- Answering all submission questions including author information, funding sources, and special issue topic (as appropriate)
Figures can be embedded in the main document, supplied as a separate document or presentation file, or added as individual files. Final formatting, which is quite flexible, is required only after acceptance.
Complete instructions can be found here and here.
Submit your manuscript here.
Article processing charges
APCs are the present mechanism for funding the costs of publishing open access articles, whereas traditional article publishing costs are funded by the readers through subscriptions and paywalls. The fees for IJCES are industry competitive, ranging from $1200 to $1800 depending on article size and membership status.
Wiley has engaged with many funders to ease the process and reduce the expense of paying APC fees. For corresponding authors at institutions participating in Read and Publish agreements, all you need is your institution's code, which can be found here.
Wiley also waives or discounts the APCs for corresponding authors from countries on the Research4Life lists. Check to see if you qualify here.
Finally, ACerS and Wiley recognize that not all research funders have committed to supporting open access publishing and have set aside funds to underwrite APCs. Authors presenting at any 2021 ACerS conference who cannot otherwise pay the APC can receive fee waivers, subject to availability of funding from ACerS and Wiley.
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