Refractory Optimization in Steelmaking: Goals, Wear, Operations, Installation & Selection
Instructor: Thomas Vert, Independent Refractory Expert (retired VP Manufacturing, ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc.)
Course Description
This course will provide an intense introduction to the selection of refractories in steel plants including:
- Why do you pick the refractory you do?
- How do you choose?
- Where do you start the selection process?
The answers to these three questions are complex – it is always a balance of competing interests between Operations, Purchasing, and the Suppliers – the refractory selector is at a crossroads to decide which is the correct material for each application.
The course will give key principles and examples that will allow a selector to engage competently in the process of selecting refractories for steel ladles, BOF’s, EAF’s, etc.
Each participant will receive a copy of Refractory Material Selection for Steelmaking
Course Outline
- Safety, Environmental, Productivity, Quality, Total Cost
- Wear of Refractories
- TMC Analysis (Thermal, Mechanical, Chemical Wear mechanisms and interaction)
- Key operating parameters to control
- Installation Keys
- Types of Installation methods and key tips/tricks for each one
- Selection of Refractories for Steel ladles
- Bottoms, Walls, Slaglines, Safety lining, Porous Plugs, Slidegates, Lip rings
Course Instructor

Tom Vert is currently an independent refractory expert working with end users, manufacturers and raw material suppliers to the refractory industry. Tom was previously Vice President of Manufacturing at ArcelorMittal Dofasco. He has held this position from 2014 - 2018. Tom graduated from McMaster University in 1987 with a Bachelor of Engineering (Ceramic) and received his MBA in 1994 also from McMaster University. Tom joined ArcelorMittal Dofasco in 1989 and has moved through a number of positions in Steelmaking in both Technology and Operations. Tom was responsible for refractory design and selection for over 15 years and is also a distinguished life member of the UNITECR Refractory International Executive Board for The American Ceramic Society. Tom has nine published papers on refractories and has taught four different courses on refractory topics and authored the book Refractory Material Selection for Steelmaking – a practical textbook for the steel and refractory industry
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On or before February 15, 2022 After February 15, 2022
$495 $595
Registration with ACerS Member Discount* $395 $495
Student $150 $200
*Employees of ACerS Corporate Partners receive the discounted Individual Member rate. Sapphire Corporate Partners receive an additional 20% discount; Diamond Corporate Partners receive an additional 30% discount. Please contact Customer Service or 614-890-4700 to register employees at the discounted Corporate Partner rates.
If you have questions about registration, please contact Customer Service at 1-866-721-3322 (U.S. only) or 1-614-890-4700.
Cancellation Policy
*ACerS reserves the right to cancel a course up to four weeks before the scheduled presentation date. Please contact ACerS customer service at 1-866-721-3322 or 1-614-890-4700 to confirm that the course is happening before purchasing your airline tickets. ACerS is not responsible for the purchase of non-refundable airline tickets or the cancellation/change fees associated with canceling a flight.