GeoCorp 9010 River Road Huron, Ohio 44839 P: 419.433.1101 E: Website: |
GeoCorp was started on the foundation of always providing customer satisfaction. Our experienced team of salespeople, engineers, and customer service personnel have served as the backbone to our success in providing our customers with the most reliable information regarding thermocouple technology.
In the first few years, we expanded rapidly and decided to start manufacturing thermocouples. This gave us more control of product availability, allowed instant purchase order acknowledgement, and provided the best material for the client’s application. In 1999, we placed an order for our first thermocouple wire braider. Now we have over 95 braiders that overbraid fiberglass, vitreous silica, and ceramic fiber insulations. GeoCorp maintains a calibration laboratory with services performed by tenured technicians with over 50 years of combined experience in calibration lab functions. Our state of the art quality control laboratory is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited by NVLAP Calibration (Lab Code 200496-0), a United States government entity administered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. |
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