Keystone Space Collaborative
1001 North Sheridan Ave Pittsburgh, PA, 15206, United States Email: |
Keystone Space Collaborative, initially formed in Pennsylvania and named after its founding source, has always embodied a tri-state mission. Acting as the architectural cornerstone, the keystone serves as a vital connector, binding together the three states and providing a centralized function within the region. Space enables global industries, new technologies, science, health and safety, communications, navigation, and more. The global space economy is valued at over $469B today with estimates projecting the space economy to grow to over $1T between 2030 and 2040. The Keystone tri-state region has a long legacy as a home for important space missions, technology development and manufacturing, and space innovation. Recognizing the importance of space to the region and the nation’s future the Keystone Space Collaborative was formed to attract, grow and amplify the tri-state region’s space ecosystem. |
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