Learn something new on YOUR schedule with ACerS DVD courses
ACerS Fellow C. Philip Ross, author of the three Glass Melting Furnace DVDs, provides an overview of his three courses in this video.
Glass Melting Furnaces (2 DVD set)
Taught by C. Philip Ross, this course reviews aspects of glass melting furnaces from the recent past, current practices, as well as the direction the industry will progress into the future. A discussion of various furnace types will include their preferred attributes for different glass types. Similarly, the selection requirements for various furnace refractories types and their properties in service are discusses. The conversion from raw materials to molten glass in the “fusion” process within the furnace is detailed. The principles of key preferred operating parameters are discussed relative to glass quality, energy efficiency and furnace. Mechanisms of air emission generation and control within glass furnaces are briefly covered. A review of innovation trends is also offered which show where there is interest for future advancements in furnace configurations and operation.
Air Emission Issues in Glass Melting Furnaces (2 DVD set)
Taught by C. Philip Ross, this course reviews aspects of air emissions from glass melting furnaces, including the historical regulatory trend (past, present, and near future), issues for permitting of new and existing furnaces, as well as agency perspectives on drivers to change emission standards. Each category of air emission type is reviewed relative to the different mechanisms of generation in glass furnaces, methods of measurement and monitoring emission levels, and furnace operating check lists for each criteria pollutant to minimize their emissions. The discussion includes the preferred means of reducing emissions via process modifications, as well as various “add-on” equipment technologies.
Refractory Issues in Glass Melting Furnaces (2 DVD set)
In this three-hour presentation, C. Philip Ross reviews the role of refractories to meet various goals of industrial glass furnaces. These include the methods of optimizing their selection, wear mechanisms in service, as well as influences from furnace design and operational variables. The properties of current refractories categories are related to their performance in meeting useful life, glass quality, and economic performance goals. Key refractory wear mechanism factors are detailed; including such variables as temperature conditions and their internal phase alteration by chemical interaction with conditions varying by location in various furnace types. These can include chemical contributors from the glass making raw materials, molten glass, and atmospheric chemicals from melt volatilization. Some refractory maintenance and life extension techniques are also identified.
Sintering of Ceramics (6 DVD set)
Taught by Dr. Mohamed N. Rahaman, the course covers sintering basics; diffusion and defect chemistry; solid-state, viscous and liquid-phase sintering; microstructure development and control; and much more. The course can be taught over two days or segmented by topics. Order now!
You also may be interested in this Online Collection of sintering articles.
Understanding Why Ceramics Fail and Designing for Safety (2 DVD set)
Taught by Steve Freiman. This short course explores the practical fracture mechanics background necessary to understand brittle failure, and describe some of the unique characteristics of ceramic materials that must be taken into account in their design and use. Microstructural effects, the deleterious effects of external environments on crack growth, and test procedures will be discussed. The course also will review best practices in the use of both fracture mechanics and strength tests, the powerful tool of quantitative fractographic analysis in understanding the cause of failure, and a modern, computer-driven approach to statistically examine strength distributions for ceramics and set service stresses to ensure safe lifetimes to very low probabilities of failure.
You also may be interested in this book by Steve Freiman
If you would like to volunteer to teach a DVD course on a ceramic or glass topic, please contact Greg Geiger.