Ceramic Materials Short Courses
Increase your knowledge with ACerS ceramic materials short courses.
Choose your own journey
Are you an engineer, scientist, operations professional, or student looking to increase your materials science knowledge? Our short courses expand on foundational topics and will equip you with the skills required for today’s marketplace.
Continue your education and select one of our current courses in the section below.
Our short courses are typically held in conjunction with a meeting. Below is a list of our available short courses.
Check back periodically to view our updated schedule of live courses or check the current calendar for upcoming courses.
Many of our courses are available as an online recorded option where you can watch the video sessions at your convenience. Click here to view all of our online courses.
Introduction to Glass Properties

This course is an intensive combination of live, on site lectures and laboratory demonstrations that address most of the significant properties of glass, both theoretically and experimentally. Held in Westerville, Ohio. Lab demonstrations held at Orton Ceramics.
Scheduled for August, 2024
More details and registration coming soon
COURSE HAS BEEN COMPLETED. This three day short course (July 18-20) is an intensive combination of classroom lectures (morning session) and laboratory demonstrations (afternoon session) that address most of the significant properties of refractories, both theoretically and experimentally. Click here for full details.

COURSE HAS BEEN COMPLETED Held in conjunction with the 2023 GOMD Annual Meeting, the Glass Corrosion short course provides a comprehensive knowledge about the fundamental mechanisms of glass corrosion and their relation with kinetics.
COURSE HAS BEEN COMPLETED This two day course (Feb. 1-2) addresses the mechanical properties of ceramics and glasses for elastic properties, strength measurements, fracture parameters, and indentation hardness.. Click here for full details.
In this one-day course (May 19, 2024) held in conjunction with the 2024 GOMD meeting, participants will learn how to apply relevant theories to understand and avoid spontaneous devitrification and produce new stable glasses. Additionally, they will be able to start designing glass-ceramics with nano or microstructures. Click here for full details and to register.
Refractory Optimization in Steelmaking
This half day short course will provide an intense introduction to the selection of refractories in steel plants including:
- Why do you pick the refractory you do?
- How do you choose?
- Where do you start the selection process?
The answers to these three questions are complex – it is always a balance of competing interests between Operations, Purchasing, and the Suppliers – the refractory selector is at a crossroads to decide which is the correct material for each application.
The course will give key principles and examples that will allow a selector to engage competently in the process of selecting refractories for steel ladles, BOFs, EAFs, etc.
Each participant will receive a copy of Refractory Material Selection for Steelmaking.
Give us your feedback!
- What topics would you be interested in learning about?