The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) is a global organization that consists of four operations/brands: (1) ACerS – the professional society that serves the scientific and technological needs of the global ceramic and glass community (2) ACerS International – the professional society that serves the scientific and technological needs of the global ceramic and glass community outside of the United States; (3) Ceramic Arts Network (CAN) – a media operation that serves the ceramic arts community; and (4) Ceramic & Glass Industry Foundation (CGIF) – a nonprofit foundation that attracts, inspires and supports the next generation of ceramic and glass professionals. As indicated in the attached chart, these four brands comprise The American Ceramic Society.

We are not changing the name of the Society, nor our logo. We remain The American Ceramic Society (ACerS for short).
The ACerS International brand extension is a subset of The American Ceramic Society that allows us to better serve the global community.
The ACerS International brand extension reflects that we are a multinational society. It reflects who we already are and the 35% of our membership that lives outside of the United States.
This logo will be used to define international activities and collaborations, as well as our international Chapters.
“The American Ceramic Society” is the official name for the organization and its four brands. The new “ACerS International” brand refers to activities focused on serving the global ceramics and glass science and technical community. “ACerS International” acknowledges and recognizes that more than 35% of ACerS professional and student members, along with 14 ACerS International Chapters, some Meetings, and Global Partnerships are located outside of the United States.
We do understand that there will be questions surrounding ACerS International, and have a FAQ page dedicated to help ensure our message in this brand extension is clear.
If you’d like to use the ACerS International logo and you are not an approved ACerS Chapter, conference, or activity, please reach out for approval to ACerS Marketing Manager Kameron Haines (khaines@ceramics.org) with your request and a short description of where and why you’d like to use the logo.
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