Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you.

ACerS Customer Service Department

For customer service inquiries, contact us at:

The American Ceramic Society
550 Polaris Parkway, Suite 510
Westerville, Ohio 43082


1-866-721-3322 (toll free U.S. only)
1-614-890-4700 (outside U.S.)


Ceramic Arts Network Customer Service Department

For customer service inquiries regarding Ceramic Arts Network, Ceramics Monthly, Pottery Making Illustrated, CLAYflicks, Ceramic Recipes, and ICAN, please contact us at:

Have a technical question?

The Society's LinkedIn Group is a great way to get answers to your toughest questions. Click here to connect with our active and expert community of ceramic and glass materials professionals.

Looking for products, services, or solutions?

Our online buyer's guide, ceramicSOURCE, puts the top providers of equipment, materials, and services for advanced and traditional ceramics, glass, and composites at your fingertips. Search the industry's most up-to-date resource to immediately connect with manufacturers, consultants, and more.

Are you looking for information on ceramic art or artists?

We can help. Learn more about our other services for ceramic artists by visiting these links: The Ceramic Arts Network, CLAYflicks streaming videos, Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated magazines, and Ceramic Recipes. Or join the International Ceramic Artists Network (ICAN).

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